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Resilient Adults are Connected, Adaptable and Ready for Change.


Our accessible, practical and research-based skills help you, friends, family and your community tap into the power of resilience. We Are Resilient™ can increase your skills to manage stress, connect with others more effectively and create a healthy, rewarding, and enjoyable life.


Who We Help



The past few years have been challenging for many of us.  We Are Resilient™ is for anyone seeking less stress and more joy. This approach:

  • Provides a simple, yet powerful framework that raises awareness about behavioral patterns that might be limiting you, as well as promotes research-based skills that can help you reduce stress, resolve conflicts, and improve your relationships.
  • Can help you successfully navigate daily challenges, adversity, and unexpected change.   
  • Supports both your personal and professional life, helping you to advocate for and achieve the life balance you are seeking.

We offer safe and supportive Resilience Circles led by a certified coach and open to anyone. These circles teach the basics of personal and relational resilience to help keep you centered and more capable of managing unexpected changes and stressors.

“I have been able listen more openly and speak more authentically with my sons after learning about the Relational Resilience Skills, especially Heartfelt Listening and Choosing Kindness.”

Jim Cullen, New Hampshire

I have been able to help my clients integrate the We Are Resilient ™ approach into their daily wellness practice and build the “muscle” to call upon their skills when they need them throughout the day. It has been a very powerful toolkit for both me and my clients. It has definitely helped me stay connected and adaptable, especially when dealing with unexpected change.”

Wellness Providers

As a life coach, yoga instructor, mindfulness teacher or other wellness provider, your primary goal is to help others adopt a positive mindset and lifestyle and make behavioral changes to support their goals.  And you know improving your wellness is as vital as improving wellness for those you serve.  This approach:

  • Can help boost your ability to stay centered and increase your effectiveness as a wellness coach, providing a strengths-based  approach that starts from the inside-out.
  • Outlines simple and practical tips you can use with clients to  manage their stress, communicate more effectively and improve their relationships.
  • Shares the science behind each skill with powerful learning tools to complement your wellness teachings and practices, resulting in deeper learning for those you serve.

Join our Coach Certification program to learn how to strengthen your own resilience and incorporate the We Are Resilient™ approach into your wellness practice. Contact us to learn more.

Community Based and Public Organizations

For CBOs, First 5, Head Start, Juvenile Justice and other organizations that work with children, youth, and families,  We Are Resilient™ improves employee retention and generates powerful collaboration by strengthening relationships, reshaping the work culture, and helping organizations thrive. This approach:

  • Can enhance your teams by providing researched-based practical skills to communicate more clearly and handle conflict quickly.
  • Provides simple, practical and powerful skills that can help you guide your clients in personal transformation.  
  • Interrupts the multigenerational transmission of trauma by giving parents and caregivers tools to help themselves as well as their children.

We offer Resilience Training in an educational, supportive and safe environment to practice resilience skills using dynamic real-life scenarios. Defining team or family agreements and strengthening relational practices improves how team and family members support one another. Our training can be customized for a specific team or organizational focus.

Contact us about our We Are Resilient™ Consulting Services for the best approach to what you or your organization needs.

“I am a juvenile probation officer, and the parents I work with every day do not know how resilient they are. I use the skills in the We Are Resilient approach to help remind them how resilient they are and how to model that resilience for their children.

Lisa T.

Are you experiencing…And seeking ways to…
Emotional fatigueAdapt more quickly to change
Worry and overwhelmImprove personal wellness and life balance
Disconnection from othersCreate relationships that work
Are you seeing…And seeking ways to…
Generational traumaSupport those with trauma
Mental health challengesEmpower others to strengthen resilience
DivisivenessCreate a climate of belonging