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❤️ What’s Love Got To Do With It?

My mother died two weeks ago. Though I am feeling sad, I am also feeling grateful—grateful that she is finally released from Alzheimer’s, that she knew us until the end, and that she didn’t linger after she could no longer talk. She died in her sleep, surrounded by family. May we all be so fortunate. 

Today, Valentine’s Day, is a particularly appropriate day to think of my mother because she loved to celebrate holidays. She modeled how Valentine’s Day was not just a day to mark romantic relationships but a day to celebrate all those we love—our partners, children, parents, family, and friends. My mother taught us that loving others was the most important thing we could do with our lives, and she included many people in that love—our family, yes, and many others who became part of our family, neighbors, friends, and decades of her students.  Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate all of us and the love that connects us.  

As I reflect upon my mom’s legacy, I can see her love passed through me and into the development of the We Are Resilient approach. As one of our colleagues, Cheryl, reminded us—what is the We Are Resilient approach if not a tool for learning how to love better? The approach helps us understand what can get in the way of our love—our Protective Patterns and Cultural Patterns. It gives us skills to practice to be more adept at caring for others: our Centering, Connecting, and Collaborating Skills. And it reminds us of Resilient Mindsets that guide us in using those Patterns and Skills: Curiosity, Choice, and Courage. 

We know from our own experience and the experiences of many who have taken our training that this approach helps us become better at love, both in loving ourselves and for loving others. 

We invite you to deepen your understanding of this approach and its practices through our trainings and all our available resources: books, posters, training materialsvideos, and more. As we all learn how to love better, we can create the world we want to live in. What a beautiful legacy.

With love and resilience, 
Meri and the Dovetail Learning team
