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🥰 More than ever…

The last two days have been difficult. We have been through a collective trauma, and I needed my resilience skills immeasurably more than ever. 

I kept cycling through my Centering Skills: 

  • Noticing Myself— I felt furious, devastated, upset, confused, perplexed, scared.  Did it help to name my feelings? Maybe a little. 
  • Breathing Mindfully—over and over. It kept me calm. But still very sad. 
  • Letting Go—I spent hours on the first step: Letting In. I had to let in the calamity of it all.  All the repercussions.  This kept me up most of the night.  I haven’t made it to Letting Go yet. 
  • Finding Gratitude—I am grateful for many things in my life. And still devastated. 
  • Positive Reframing—One reframing offered by a friend — at least we don’t have weeks of a contested election.  Tiny positive. 
  • Nurturing Myself—Oh yeah. Moving my body, eating good food, and connecting with friends and family. Knowing that we are all experiencing this together helped. That was about all I could do. Taking it slow.  Searching for inspiration online while avoiding the pundits and the news. 
  • And again: Noticing Myself.  Still devastated, upset, confused, perplexed, scared.  Maybe a little less over time.  Sitting with my feelings, paying attention to all they were telling me about the present state of our country, was very challenging and necessary.  I need to mourn my old perspective and hope… 

  • In the process, three truths have emerged for me: 
  • Resilience is being able to hold the bad stuff and good stuff at the same time. 
  • We emphasize this point in our training. It has always been true, but it is vital now more than ever—seeing the good along with the difficult. 
  • Resilience also requires empathy for those who have wildly different views.  
  • We can’t “throw away” those we disagree with. This election has demonstrated that more than ever. 
  • I don’t have to agree with others to understand they have different Cultural and Protective Patterns and to be empathetic about why they behave the way they do.  Our ability to connect with people with different beliefs and work together for solutions is more critical than ever. 
  • All of us will need more resilience than ever. 
  • We have tools that can help you and others (see below), but we need funding to reach all those who need it.  If you think the world needs more emotional healing, support us today! 

  • Supporting work like ours is one concrete step you can make today to vote for a hopeful future
    As a 501(c3) nonprofit, we cannot support others without your donation. Every size donation matters! 

  • Take care of yourself! 
  • With resilience, 
    Meri and the Dovetail Team