We Are Resilient™: Introductory Handout Set For Families


If you are looking for something to help families, this book provides tools to manage stress, strengthen relationships, and adapt to change. The book of 34 one-page introductory handouts explains the mindsets, patterns, and skills in simple language and provides real-world examples. The Protective Patterns handouts describe how each Protective Pattern might be might showing up in our life and how it might be helping or hurting us. The Resilient Skills handouts describe when and how to practice the skills, how families can model and coach the skills, as well as ideas to think about and activities that can help us integrate the skill into our life.

Topics include:

  • What is Resilience?
  • How Can We Become More Resilient?
  • What Are Resilient Mindsets?
  • What Are Cultural Patterns?
  • What are Protective Patterns?
  • as well a handout for each Resilient Mindset, Protective Pattern, Centering Skill, Connecting Skill, and Collaborating Skill.

Families, teachers, healthcare providers and others will appreciate these helpful handouts.

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