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Cultural Patterns Overview

Cultural Patterns are how we see the world.


Learn how Cultural Patterns work in our life. 

  • We all develop Cultural Patterns, which are unique to us, formed through early experiences, our family, and how our community interacts with us. They are passed down through the generations, integral to our identity and the lens through which we see the world.
  • We identify them as Cultural Patterns because they provide our core beliefs. These patterns provide shortcuts in navigating the world, but they can also harmful.  Once people start noticing their own patterns, they can more effectively assess when those judgments are useful, and when they get in their way. It paves the way for them to practice and strengthen their resilience skills.

How to Practice-Model-Coach
Cultural Patterns


  • Think about what Cultural Patterns you have.  With what lenses do you see the world and what beliefs emerge from those lenses? 
  • Recognize when your Cultural Patterns influence you. 
  • When do these Cultural Patterns help you? When these Cultural Patterns hurt you? Is there a current situation in your life that my Cultural Patterns are part of what isn’t working? If so, what could be done to move forward?
  • When you make assumptions about others, what is the impact on you or others?


  • When influenced by a Cultural Pattern, name your bias for those around you and whether it is helping or harming.


  • Listen for others’ potential Cultural Patterns. Be curious about them. Reflect back what you hear.

Resources for Cultural Patterns




Tweens & Teens
