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Resilient Business Professionals are Connected, Adaptable and Ready for Change

business people

Avoid Toxic Work Culture

Our accessible, practical and research-based skills help you, your colleagues, your teams and your clients tap into the power of resilience. Using the We Are Resilient™ approach can foster a healthy, more inclusive and productive work environment.

Are You Experiencing…And Seeking Ways To…
BurnoutImprove Life Balance and Wellness
Uncertainty FatigueAdapt More Quickly to Change
Feeling DisrespectedCreate Relationships that Work
Non Inclusive CultureIncrease Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Who We Help


Business Professionals

The past few years have tested even the strongest, most resilient business professional.  We Are Resilient™ can help anyone in any work environment who is seeking less stress and more satisfaction. This approach:

  • Provides a simple, yet powerful framework that raises awareness about behavioral patterns that might be limiting you, as well as promotes research-based skills that can help you resolve conflicts, make better decisions, and improve your relationships.
  • Can help you successfully navigate daily challenges, adversity, and unexpected change.   
  • Teaches you to advocate for and achieve the work-life balance you are seeking.
  • Helps you clear boundaries and strengthen your relationships with colleagues, family members and friends.

We offer safe and supportive Resilience Circles led by a certified coach for business professionals. They can be customized to meet your specific team or organizational need.

“The Resilience Circle helped me to identify my patterns that weren’t helping me. In the midst of my busy schedule, I relished time to think through and discuss how I could practice new strategies for handling the ups and downs of work and family interactions.”

Nancy S., California

“After completing the resilience training, I have seen how my ability to center myself in times of high-energy or high-stress makes me a more effective leader for my team. I believe every business should invest in strengthening the resilience skills of their managers to help build a healthy, collaborative organization.”

Vanda Davis, Senior Business Leader, Fortune 200 Technology Company

Resilient Managers

As a manager, We Are Resilient™ can help boost your ability to stay centered in the most stressful situations. This approach:

  • Provides a deeper understanding of your reactive style and how to identify and shift into a more productive and effective style.
  • Can increase your effectiveness as a manager to create a more collaborative, inclusive, and creative work environment, suitable for any sized team.

We offer Resilience Leadership Training in an educational, supportive and safe environment to practice resilience skills in dynamic real-world scenarios. Defining group agreements and strengthening relational practices, improves inclusion and wellness within a team. This can be customized for a specific team or organizational focus.

Resilient HR Professionals

For individuals, teams and workplaces, We Are Resilient™ improves employee retention and generates powerful collaboration by strengthening relationships, reshaping the work culture, and helping organizations thrive. This approach:

  • Can enhance your teams by providing researched-based practical skills to communicate more clearly and handle conflict quickly
  • Supports diversity, equity, and inclusion by giving teams an understanding of the impact of their Cultural Patterns as well as research-based practices to effectively navigate difficult conversations. 

Directly supports the Cigna Resilience Index evidence-based costs of low resilience.

We offer Resilience Consulting Services to customize your resilience programs to meet the needs of your employees, teams and organization.

A toxic corporate culture…is 10.4 times more powerful than compensation in predicting a company’s attrition rate compared with its industry.

MIT Sloan Management Review