What I say to myself impacts me and those around me!
This morning I woke up feeling upset because last night I was reading Greta Thunberg’s book, Our House Is on Fire. It’s an eloquent story of Greta’s life challenges and how deeply our planet is in crisis. It is not easy bedtime reading. My thoughts went something like, “How can I help people see the urgent need to act on our dire climate crisis?” I was feeling discouraged and scared because our news-feeds are pretending there is no problem.
I then used the Centering Skill of Positive Reframing and my mood immediately changed. I realized how extraordinary it is that I get to teach people about simple Resilience Practices that can raise their consciousness. This tapped into my sense of purpose. The skill of Positive Reframing is a powerful practice. A nurse in one of my healthcare circles recently said that learning how to Positively Reframe her thoughts has changed her life.
By using all of our Centering, Connecting, and Collaborating skills, people are better able to work together – so essential to making headway on anything, including navigating this pandemic and working out our climate crisis.
Please join me by considering how you can use Positive Reframing in the stories you tell yourself. We invite you to be part of our journey of discovery, either by watching the any of our videos and/or registering for one of our free webinars, trainings, or resilience circles.
It might change your life (and make a difference for our planet).