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Frayed Nerves: Moving from Fear to Courage

This week, I’ve had to double down on keeping my balance. The political turmoil in Washington is difficult for me. The inaugural address sent me spinning. I was upset when “47” invoked MLK and pledged, “We will make his dream come true.”  It was one of many lies and injustices doled out. His pardoning the Jan. 6 rioters stunned me. I am angry about his lies and frightened at the implications of his power grabs. I think all of my Protective Patterns got triggered. When I’m stressed, my nerves get frayed, which is an apt metaphor, because our telomeres, the tiny little tails on our chromosomes, shorten when we are stressed. 

When I am emotionally triggered I’ve learned to pause, step back, and seek balance. Since I’m a black belt in Aikido, I believe I “should” be able to stay centered and keep my balance. But my Aikido sensei recently said, “I get thrown off balance almost daily. I’m just much faster at Centering myself than I used to be.”  My job over these next four years is to find my equanimity so I can step through my fear. My resilience skills will help. Breathing Mindfully calms my nerves and the mindset of having Couragehelps me listen to my heart and take a stand where I need to. 

When I think about how this inauguration occurred on Martin Luther King Day and the same week as the anniversary of Row v. Wade — the contrast of these with the disheartening change in presidency helps me see there is both good and bad in our world. My anger shows me my values have been crossed and it gives me Courage to see the beauty in life, follow my dreams, and truly stand behind the dreams of MLK.

Many of my friends have stopped reading or listening to the news. I want to know, to be informed, and to do so mindfully. The We Are Resilient™ approach helps me do this. Noticing Myself is always the first step. When I notice my nerves are getting frayed, I can pause to be more aware of my reaction and choose my centering skills. It takes a lot of practice, but I’m getting better at it. I also need those closest to me to help me keep my balance. I’m committed to maintaining my balance and choosing to live the life I dream for all of us. 

What helps you most to regain your balance? What do you want to have the Courage to do?

With an open heart ♥️

Chuck and The Dovetail team

Check out the Patterns, Mindsets and Skills that influenced Chuck: 

Protective Patterns

Centering Skills of Noticing Myself & Breathing Mindfully

Resilient Mindset of Courage

P.S. Struggling with negative news or the new administration?  Join the conversation in our supportive community!
