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From Frustration to Joy: The Power of Positive Reframing

I had been looking forward to Memorial Day weekend for a while. My spring had been filled with personal and professional stress, and relaxing on the shores of a mountain lake seemed like the perfect way to recharge using my Centering Skill of Nurturing Myself. Then I looked at the weather report. High of 57°!  I was very frustrated. I clearly was not going to be able to lounge in the summer sun as I had anticipated. 

I was venting with a friend when he offered the perfect Positive Reframe. “That sounds like perfect hiking weather,” he suggested. I had to agree with him. Viewing my plans from a new perspective energized me. I moved into the Resilient Mindset of Curiosity.  

Even though I had visited the area for decades, we often did the same activities. Instead, I researched good hikes in the region. By exploring my options, I found a moderate hike near the main highway with many recent glowing reviews.   

The Centering Skill of Positive Reframing helped me change my expectations and excited me for our new adventure. We were delighted by this awe-inspiring hike, as the recent snow meant the rushing waters were spectacular.  

Even while hiking, Positive Reframing helped me again. With 7000’ of altitude and 1200’ of ascent,  I found the seven-mile hike somewhat challenging. I was annoyed when I encountered sand hiking up the trail because it made walking harder. But coming down the mountain was a different experience—all that sand cushioned the descent, and my knees and ankles were so grateful for it!  I could see how changing my perspective between going up and going down helped me see the sand in a whole new light. 

How can the Centering Skill of Positive Reframing support you with a new perspective? 

With gratitude, 

Meri and the Dovetail Team
