I love growing food for my family. There is something magical about watching life and nourishment sprout from a tiny little seed. This weekend, as I moved my new spring crop from their seed starter home to larger pots, I couldn’t help but notice how tending to my seedlings is much like tending to my gratitude.
When tended to and loved daily, one tiny seed slowly begins to sprout and eventually, with continued tending and love, grows into a fully grown plant that showers my family with its fruits.
Focusing on even the smallest thing every day we are grateful for can grow our gratitude, much like my spring crops. But, like growing plants, it may not thrive if we do not tend to it. Choosing to practice the Centering Skill Finding Gratitude every day is as simple as watering new seedlings. Try writing down a few things that you are grateful for or sharing your gratitude with others each day.
Tending to your gratitude even just a little can yield big rewards, much like the harvest my family gets to enjoy.
With Gratitude,